Today we went to Old Jaffa with a group of Emily's friends who she has met on her program. They are all on "chofesh" (vacation) in Tel Aviv this week as well.
First we met at the old clock tower where I snapped a photo of the group.
Then we walked through the "shuk" where the girls haggled with the vendors over skirts, necklaces, tops, similar stuff to HaCarmel. It's more like an open flea market because there are old things and new things.
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Dr. Shashuka's |
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prayers in old Jaffa |
Flora was our tour guide. Reading to us from the tour book Flora led us around the cobble stone old city. It's really quite touristy with over priced shops of art work and nick nacks.
We found St. Peter's Church and went inside to find a baby jesus "doll" in a glass case decorated by red silk. Then on our walk out of the old city we discovered many artist studios.
One of the girls and I saw a man in one of the studios. We went in and spoke with him about what he was doing. He said he held art classes there and showed us some of his students work. What I found interesting was that he was stretching his own canvas. He told me he makes all his own canvas (it was a greyish color) because to buy canvas is too expensive.
Emily and I walked back to our hotel for a rest before our evening adventure.
We took a cab to the restaurant Dallal and had a fantastic meal. They gave us a choice of appetizers, remember included with our performance ticket. I had some lentil dish and Emily got a hummus made from white beans. For my entree I had risotto and Emily had raviolis. Then we went to see the Bat Sheva dance company perform. They are the premiere modern dance company of Israel. It was a good performance. Another long day. Lila tov.
The picture on the old steps reminds me of the steps we had cheese on when we were all in Rome together!